Fox29 helped sponsor a Mega Career Fair today and about 5000 people turned out. The long lines, resumes in hand tell the grim reality of how many people are out of work and struggling to find a job, some looking for more than a year. They came with hope but just how many got real leads on employment is hard to determine. In this economy with so few opportunities it’s easy to understand why people may give up and feel there is no place to turn. The federal government hasn’t stepped in to create a substantial number of new jobs. We hear the recession is over, and by definition it may be, but that’s little comfort to people who need to feed their families and pay their bills. Today the Fed took a wait and see approach making it clear it has tools to pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy. The national unemployment rate is 9.6 percent at the same time more than two dozen states saw an increase in their unemployment numbers. So the outlook remains bad. But research does show the biggest job growth is in education, healthcare, and hospitality. If you hear of places hiring, let me know at Fox29 so we can all help.