2011 Blizzard

It was fierce and fast and struck one third of the country. The storm crushed cities hitting 100 million people in it’s path. Snow, Sleet, Rain, Ice -became deadly combinations . The area hit hardest, Chicago with more than 20 inches of snow. The Windy City’s third largest snowfall amount on record. It shut down iconic Lakeshore Drive leaving 1500 cars trapped in snow with 70 mph winds and 25 foot waves off Lake Michigan. For a city used to snow, this storm paralyzing–forcing people to stay home. Chicago public schools closed for the first time in 12 years. The city estimates it will cost 15 million dollars. Other parts of the country got socked hard too, icy conditions made travel impossible, 13-thousand flights across the nation were cancelled. This one billed as the worst storm to hit parts of the country in decades. But it did not stop the Superbowl teams from arriving in Texas, they went the day before the storm and Punxsutawney Phil–that little Groundhog didn’t see his shadow so we have six more weeks of winter. Let’s hope he’s right. Stay safe and warm.

Fox29 Career Expo

40 companies. 2500 job applicants. That was the scene today at the Hilton Hotel on City Avenue in Philadelphia. Fox29 was one of the sponsors of the event and it was a real reminder to all of us who went of just how dire the job search can be. I was at the career expo for several hours talking to people from all walks of life looking for jobs. Some had been out a few weeks, some more than a year. Heartbreaking stories of men and women looking for any type of work and not able to support their families. It was a privilege for me to get to talk to folks today and hopefully inspire some to keep the faith. I know what it’s like to lose a job and how tough it can be to get a foot in the door. I know first hand how you try and think of alternative careers, can I go back to school and still support my family, and how can I get myself in front of someone willing to take a chance. The good news today-many people told me career fairs are better outlets than on line searches or cold calling and mailing resumes. It gives people a chance to interact, get fresh ideas, vent, and see they are not alone. We list new jobs everyday on our website myfoxphilly.com and the station takes parts in numerous job fairs. We want to help.
I know when times were tough for me, my network and contacts finally came to the rescue and I encourage others to keep trying, keep putting yourself in the path of people. When one door closes, another one will open and just never give up.

New blood test For Down Syndrome

A new study out of Hong Kong shows Scientists have made a great discovery. A blood test that could tell whether Moms will have a baby with Downs Syndrome. Blood tests are not invasive, not like the traditional test of Amniocentesis which can lead to miscarriage. But the new test does raise ethical questions. Researchers found that 90 percent of women who received a definitive diagnosis choose not to have the baby. Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania Art Kaplan talked with me on Fox29 News about this ethical debate. He says he supports parents having as much information as possible to make their own decision. He also says this finding is a huge advancement in medicine and could pave the wave for all types of blood testing for disorders. But Art did tell me it raises concerns about the number of people who would choose not to have the baby and for parents who already have Down Syndrome Children, the fear that with no more Down Syndrome babies comes less funding, research, and lobbying for their cause. I find this to be a very sensitive and difficult subject. I am a big supporter of advances in medicine and being able to take a blood test and receive this type of information is crucial for any person. The test is under development but could be available soon.